A man drives out of his own driveway and drives into a post. This story probably wouldn't even make the local paper unless it was a slow news day, but because the man in this particular situation was Tiger Woods, this has been front page news on both sides of the Atlantic.
What reasonable expectation can celebrities have to privacy? What right to privacy should celebrities reasonably expect, in circumstances where they are involved in minor incidents that the rest of us would not expect to of real interest.
As of this afternoon, Tiger has said that he won't be playing any more golf tournaments until 2010. I'm sure that he doesn't need the money, but unfortunately, this is likely to fan the flames even further.
So - what expectations of privacy should anyone be able to expect in a situation like this. Have celebrities, by their very status, given up any expectation of privacy in any circle of life? It's interesting to ponder whether there is a sliding scale of privacy which is inversely proportional to how famous (or rich?) someone is.
To me - that seems to be an equivalent of (Security Through Obscurity) (call it Privacy Through Obscurity) which doesn't really sit very well. If we really want privacy to be protected we need to make sure that it is actively defended, rather than gradually eroded as someone becomes more "interesting".
What reasonable expectation can celebrities have to privacy? What right to privacy should celebrities reasonably expect, in circumstances where they are involved in minor incidents that the rest of us would not expect to of real interest.
As of this afternoon, Tiger has said that he won't be playing any more golf tournaments until 2010. I'm sure that he doesn't need the money, but unfortunately, this is likely to fan the flames even further.
So - what expectations of privacy should anyone be able to expect in a situation like this. Have celebrities, by their very status, given up any expectation of privacy in any circle of life? It's interesting to ponder whether there is a sliding scale of privacy which is inversely proportional to how famous (or rich?) someone is.
To me - that seems to be an equivalent of (Security Through Obscurity) (call it Privacy Through Obscurity) which doesn't really sit very well. If we really want privacy to be protected we need to make sure that it is actively defended, rather than gradually eroded as someone becomes more "interesting".